Tommy P

Had a chance to see the Webb telescope at Northrup Grumman this summer. Very cool field trip. Hope it has a safe trip to the Lagrange Point.

Trust me, everyone on that project will want to be there to launch it!

My guess is the launch window for this type of mission is relatively small, else they wait a significant amount of time for another similar opportunity.

Professionally install an air filter? What kind of nonsense is this?

And while the dealer is trying to make it right for Fredricks, he’s still out of $10,000 and a car.

With good reason:

I can get behind doing away with “master” as the terminology, but primary sounds too clunky. Why not main? Main bedroom, main bathroom. Sounds much better.

Hell, even Linus Torvalds of all people (creator of the Linux kernel that’s used in a boat-ton of computers, for non-Linux geeks) either suggested or got behind the idea of doing away with “master/slave” nomenclature when it comes to drive assignment and folder structure. And that guy’s about as “I don’t give a shit

This. I like to err on the side of not being a thoughtless wretch who uses what might be offensive to someone. It’s so easy.

Several years back, it occurred to me that the word “gyp” (as in “to ‘gyp’ someone out of money you owe them”) was likely related to the word “gypsy”, itself a term for the Romani people that many consider offensive. I checked online and sure enough, there were people saying this was the case. But I also found other

He really should’ve known this would be how it played out because the exact same thing happened in Talledegha Nights when Reilly marries Ricky Bobby’s wife.

McKay comes off as the asshole across the board in this one. Sure, it was his right not to cast Ferrell as Jerry Buss. I even think that was the right call, given the total lack of physical resemblance between the two. But yikes McKay shit the bed from there on out.

That’s related to your own browsing history boss

Lemme give you an ‘anecdote’.

It’s not remotely anecdotal. Multiple studies have shown that SUVs are more likely to flip, due to their height, and that you are more likely to die in a roll over accident.

Further proof SUVs/trucks are simply too big. They’re extremely rollover-prone, and will flip over in accidents that a normal sedan would stay firmly planted.

This is an even better comment if read outloud in a Bulgarian or Russian accent.

unfortunately, we are on jalopnik, so because it doesn’t come with a vinyl bench seat, 3-speed manual and a 60hp N/A diesel inline-4, we must all proclaim that it is terrible and stupid and no one will buy it.

Damn it ford, just put the Model T back into production!

Exactly. Which one of those cars do you think spends its nights in a garage?

Let’s not forget that GM not only had to be bailed out by the government, but also had to kill off Pontiac in the process. Not really sure if he put any effort into the visuals here. Typical Boomer.