Tommy P

How are y’all going to mention “competence porn” without mentioning these reality shows that focus on the craft without the unnecessary interpersonal drama:

Thanks for writing about this. As a lifelong Metro Detroiter I selfishly want more articles about the garbage transit and transportation infrastructure around here from you and Jalopnik.

Similar here -- looked at two of my credit cards and noticed they’re both Visa Signature. Had no idea.

The Level 5 description lacks my favorite phrase to describe that level of automation: “Humans as cargo”

It’s not even Friday!

Another bullet point is what kind of bike infrastructure is being built: Sharrows are useless IMO, dedicated bike lanes are good, protected bike lanes should be the gold standard.

Tell your kids to try siphoning gas from a Tesla

I once saw a Pinterest food blog with a recipe post that started with the phrase, I shit you not, “So I was thinking about 9/11".

This sounds a lot like the regulation that prevents international ships sailing from East Asia stopping at Hawaii before arriving in a west coast port. And from what I understand, this contributes to the high cost of living in Hawaii, as ships from Asia must first sail to Los Angeles to transfer their cargo to a

If someone is parking “by feel” I doubt there are any deterrents that would change their behavior.

“DARE MIGHTY THINGS” has much more impact on the wall of a NASA facility than it does in cut vinyl on the wall of my in-law’s living room.

Your comment could also apply to the Chrysler 300 or Dodge Charger :)

Hate to be that guy, but the 5th gen isn’t new for 2021, probably more a 2018-2019 release.

I hope you’re right!

Thing is, I would buy an EV Cruiser too. I joke because I love.

Hell yeah bring back the LeBaron. That’s a fun name. Same for the Imperial, or the New Yorker, or even the Crossfire.

Fiat/Chrysler/Whoeverownsthemnow paid off their R&D and tooling for this platform literally decades ago. Every 300/Charger they sell now is pure profit.

I feel like Burger King’s food quality was quite good for a national fast food chain and then 5-10 years ago they just stopped doing anything.

I don’t have the article handy, but I read this past week that trial subjects should have been or will be informed if they were given the vaccine or a placebo, simply from an ethical standpoint.

This was my question also — I haven’t seen Cinnamon Coke sold anywhere since pre-pandemic times