
Sorry, I don't see it that way. They set her up to be important in the movie and she ends up being irrelevant.

And then the squid thing is conveniently forgotten by everyone so that it can grow large enough to save Shaw from the Engineer at the end of the movie. And by the way, how does David know the Engineer is going after Shaw? How would the Engineer even know she is still alive? He just spent what seemed an eternity

In retrospect, the line where Brett says the cattle prod won't break the Alien's skin is kind of funny, as they are still expecting it to be a small creature.

No one is saying you can't enjoy Prometheus. But the comment is spot on. I've seen too many people basically dismiss those of us who don't like the movie as being idiots who are too thick skulled to grasp the movie's alleged greatness.

Another way the stupidity of the scientists could have been explained, and which is what I would have done had I gotten a crack at rewriting the story, was that the scientists were merely there as cover to mask that the expedition was about stealing alien technology. That would have been Vickers agenda had her

In addition to that, there were so many people on the Prometheus whose names we never even learn, or who get at most a sentence of dialog. When the mutated Fifield goes on his killing rampage, I didn't recognize a single person who was murdered by him. It was as if the writers decided, "Oh, we'll throw in an action

This! 100% this! It's the Prometheus defenders who act like wine snobs berating those who don't agree with them as unsophisticated morons who don't like the taste of the vintage they're touting.

The problem with the scene of Vickers running from the Engineer ship was that it was totally unnecessary and it just goes to show the writers had no idea what to do with her character. The beginning of the movie presents us with a strong, no nonsense woman, with an as yet unnamed (and ultimately never revealed