
I feel you about 4WD, but you'd be surprised how many 2WD, both FWD and RWD I've seen driven during the winter here in Alaska.

$25K can get you a lot of RV. This one is pretty cherry so I can understand the seller. Maybe for the collector, but ND for me.

I just remember when I was in highschool going to the Saturn showroom in the mall looking at the cut away display, so it's a Saturn ;)

I guess black immigrant workers from Africa? Do you even read the entirety of the story or just start to jump to conclusions? LOL!!

2nd: Wow, I guess Alabama is a third world shithole country? WTF?!?

Sure says a lot about Texas...

I believe all Tundras are limited to 100 or 105, my '03 did and my friend tells me his '15 does too. I suggest raising the national speed limit to 85 with the limiter.

So in your mind a person dying from obesity is the same as dying because someone was speeding and crashed into you causing your death. Seems like you have no issues with liabilities and could careless if someone killed you and your loved ones. See what I did there? If drinking and driving only killed the guilty, I'd

I totally agree, we need to train drivers to obey the laws.

Haha, my R1 hits 98 in 1st ;)

Yes, my friend had one too, loads of fun.

3rd: Fun fact, Sony got its name after researching the two sounds that could be said in almost every language, it’s not the name of the founder. It’s original name is Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo.

How did you come to your conclusion? I guess John Deere? So in your scenario I won’t be able to change my own oil, replace a shock, change out a head gasket, or replace the clutch?

Tell me the last time someone can cracked 256 bit encryption...

You got an iPhone?

Ya, the EV1 is my favorite Saturn model.

Keep calm and relax, it's just Capitalism at its finest, we are all for Freedom, yes? Freedom to choose to do whatever anyone wants, seems like the Saudis are onboard with that part of 'Murica...

Ya, the volume knob does...but as you mentioned, there’s a tombstone on the dash so what's another protruding object? But I do see how it's closer to the right hand from the wheel than like Ford's knob at the lower center of their screen so it may work.

LOL, Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie, I watch it every Thanksgiving. Oh, you a racecar in the red? Well I'm a mushroom cloud

Dang, kids in Ohio got nothing to