
Until EV makers have their own SuperCharger network, not a Tesla competitor, that is the main difference between Tesla and everyone else. It’s funny how people will put up with crap build quality with having range anxiety issues resolved by the SuperCharger network.

First off, by your metrics just about every tech in the world is “unproven” if you are looking for a 100% success rate. Space travel is “unproven” due to rockets and vehicles exploding, cell phones are unproven due to them crashing and needing rebooting, modern medicine is unproven for they haven’t cured the common

Sounds a lot like to what a coworker was doing for the company she worked for...buyout old apartments, evict everyone, remodel and then rent out for a lot more money.

I daily my '03 Dodge dually with the Cummins and the 6 speed manual...and I approve this message, er ad :)

The main thing is when pulling up behind other vehicles, you will tend to stop further back than what you’re used to in a vehicle with a long hood in front. Sometimes you can get so “close” to the vehicle in front that you feel like you will hit it...haha

The main difference is the change in depth perception from sitting so close to the front. But you get used to it

Sorry, I don't see a crushed exhaust pipe from the listed pictures. Could you please point it out to me?

Oh man, I remember these. Way to start off a Happy 4/20 :)

Although I never got to drive it, for I was only 13 years old at the time, my friend's dad's '80 Countach. When I got the chance to sit in the driver's seat, I rowed the gated stick and it was clunky as heck. 13 year old me did fit in the cockpit like a glove, I was barely 5 feet tall

For being a citizen of a capitalist nation, it ceases to amaze me how little knowledge of capitalism US citizens have. 

2nd: “Only a nobody walks in L.A.”

Greetings from interior Alaska ;)

“drug and alcohol rehab...”

Since wheels and tires were already suggested, I will go with tinted windows.

“heavy doses of assault”

Fusion is just around the corner now ;)

Yup, those phone navigation apps that only run online are just what folks need in cell dead

Antonio Sherrodd McGarrity, Spanish and Irish parents? Hehe

How do you say “Upper middle class with overextended credit people’s car” in German?"

So, how do you check used cars for quality? What criteria or metrics do you use? Myself I check for leaks, rust and engine sound, both parked and while test driving to start.