Ya, ask Wisconsin how there Foxconn plant is doing...LOL
Ya, ask Wisconsin how there Foxconn plant is doing...LOL
Oh, how about the Foxconn “deal” in Wisconsin? Oh and let’s be 100% truthful now, Trump’s IRS audit was started in 2011, long before he became “45". Can’t say it’s a political witch hunt now, can you?
Your analogy is incorrect. The original story is about what type of gas to fuel up with. Not about how to restore an automobile. So by your metric, putting in gas is the same as rebuilding a transmission...no wonder the world is becoming more and more obese.
N: I’m going to go with Rolls-Royce. I’ve never seen a magazine ad (here in the US) or a TV commercial. I can’t ever say I saw one of their logos sponsoring anything, like say on a soccer jersey. But then again, I don’t read too many magazines or watch TV too often.
It’s not that it burns “slower”, but rather the higher the octane the higher the flash point aka “the temperature that it burns up at”. See, diesel engines uses spontaneous combustion, see, when you compress air, it gets hot and with fuel, explodes.
You should google flash point of fuels.
I go with what the car tells me to put in. My MDX and New Beetle both state on the car (at the gas cap/door) that I should put in Premium. MDX has 13:1 compression, the Beetle has the 1.8T so they make sense. I also follow the driver’s side door sticker for tire pressures too...I guess I’m just a rule follower...haha
Wasn’t it in TX that they tried to not teach Evolution and teach Creationism instead?
Well, I agree that humanity is past the point of no return. Last person standing...lol
LOL, how many trillions go to unemployment benefits?
The die off of the old guard does nothing when the breeding continues.
I think it goes back to the caveman (see what I did there?) days. Men in particular have a deep connection with fire. I too as a 6 year old loved to light off fireworks and start fires. Thankfully I never burned down a home. Boys just love playing with fire. To this day I still like making fires in a fire pit and…
Debate club should be mandatory high school curriculum...lol
Robocop is sounding better by the second.
But since the covid vaccine is “only” 95% effective, they can’t take a chance and denounce it.
That ship sailed.
the trillions uncle Joe is giving away to keep people on the couch
Oh dude, at OCRC I personally saw a girl get hit in the head from a flying 1/8 scale buggy flying out of control on one of the jumps. She was knocked out cold and the paramedics arrived.