
Cryptocurrencies can be analogous to TV shows like Dancing with the stars, Bachelor and many other things that don’t contribute jack shit to society. I’ll even throw in professional sports in the mix as well. 

So is gold and oil, because the U$D is the world's reserve currency. This is why we the US can have so much national debt and continue business as usual. 

I don't even feel good about hauling DOT approved gas canisters inside of the vehicle, usually do that with the pickup truck and haul them around in the bed.

even when provoked you can’t hit a woman. them’s the rules. everyone knows them.”

But there’s no sounds in outer space...

I guess I’m part of the contrarian club too, for I too like the “Sounds of Silence” from EVs. The only sound they should be making is when the tires are getting roasted...haha

A-listers won’t do American ads because they feel it hurts their prestige or whatever

buy a damn breakfast taco

Ya, the Xipeng models look pretty good, with swappable batteries and all.

Even public buses would help.

I’ll be back — hopefully in fine form — on Monday.

Sorry for the confusion, my comment was to address all the video clips of folks filming themselves from the back seat while cruising at highway speeds. Yes, from what I've read this particular case the AP was most likely not in use. Just this week someone here in CA captured some idiot sitting in the back seat and

4th: Why isn't there a seat weight sensor like they have for shutting down the front passenger's airbag for small kids? Every time I put my backpack on the seat I see the "Airbag OFF" light turn on.

Fun fact, Hot Wheels has always been around $1 (not inflated, ever) since 1968. Just think about that for a second, the price has remained $1 for over 50 years. What I’m getting at is that Hot Wheels has managed to keep their price point at $1 even with inflation, rising material, labor and shipping costs. Sure there

No one is really talking about the facts of H2 production. Almost all of the H2 for commercial applications are from taking natural gas feedstock and splitting/fracking the H2 out. If anyone has done any research into electrolysis H2 production, they would know that the anodes and cathodes will degrade and will need

If the call to 911 led with, “I think a black man...", I'm sure the outcome would have been different.

When there is a Craigslist post/ad recruiting for the Proud Boys up there...I'm moving to Delta Junction this summer, hope it works out for me.


Yah, I don’t think it was the gasoline that was responsible for the violent explosion, seems there was another detonator in the car if you know what I mean. Ya, I’ve played with some gasoline in my younger

I don’t sound like a sociopath, so no.