
Fun fact: In CA you need to have at least 150ccs to legally ride a motorcycle on the highways. You can ride any displacement on surface streets. I’ve known some folks who have done the riding part of the motorcycle license test on a 150 Elite...LOL.

How about just switch out all the FCA cars to Peugeot and Fiat and let Chrysler make the vans and trucks...haha.

Sadly, besides us car nerds, literally no one in the United States knows Peugeot even exists.

Truth stings, doesn’t it?

Welcome to the real world. Let me ask you this, what race gender combo do you think cops are most likely to release with just a warning for a traffic infraction? I’ll you think about that on MLK, Jr’s Day.

Get out of here with these comments.

So when the “parent” needs to pull an emergency maneuver because some asshole is driving recklessly the kid doesn’t stand a chance, right? Great take...ROFL! Darwin Awards!

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OK, let me first put out this info for y’all. This is a friend of mine who passed away a few years after this video. By California law, the tow truck driver is required to release the vehicle if the owner shows up and pays 50% of the tow costs. With that said, my friend is a complete idiot and deserved every bit of

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she never ran over any cats and that Tesla shouldn’t be exclusively blamed because there was some “user error” involved.

As a linguistics fan, I love all accents, no matter how funny they sound. It’s the some of the accompanying voices that make me do the chalkboard cringe, like Fran Drescher, but I can dig the accent. And yes, I am a cunning linguist ;)

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In its time on Mars, Curiosity has traveled 14.87 miles

Oh man, there have been so many times I can’t get one lap in at the track before I have to gather up my car off the

While some folks are also arguing that Gray is too young to really grasp the consequences of his actions

This, so much this. I would imagine 99% of regular folks don’t ever practice what I call “Oh FUCK!” driving or riding. Every chance I have gotten to drive on snow or ice, I would intentional lockup the brakes or try to get going sideways. Even a large parking lot on a rainy day will yield a lot of experience and fore

My best friend in 2nd grade, his dad had a tow rig, bright yellow with stripes and everything. I got to hang out in the sleeper and honk the horn too. An 18-wheeler is on my bucket list. :)

Growing up in the 80s the German cars were all the rage. The Mercs, BMWs, VWs and Porsches. Don’t get me wrong, they are great cars and I still want a Merc and a Porsche, but. I just can’t get past the way they are designed and built so they are not very mechanic friendly. It’s like when you find out that the one you

But the red-white-black combo has, for some reason, been one of the defining features of prototype endurance racing over the past few years.

Oh, since you were asking about finance. No credit, no finance, you know.

I don’t think adding more infrastructure is the solution. The chances of the Lidar and the camera systems failing at the same time is pretty slim, but not impossible. I’m going with KITT, soon AI systems will be smart enough to handle all of the things you are describing. Just like how the brake light will turn on

After an 8-episode recurring side-character on Everybody Loves Raymond, he managed to parlay that tiny character into nine seasons near the top of the bill on CBS’ sitcom roster.