
When flying to and fro to Fairbanks Alaska this weekend, I observed other adults who can't put their phones in Airplane mode and put them away. Taking calls as the plane is taxiing to the runway and texting before we touchdown, this doesn't surprise me anymore, sadly.

Travis did the latest Gymkhana with a Subie... sounds most likely.

Fair enough.

It's pretty obvious that this is the work of

5 1/4" FTW!!

Oh, I do that all the time when someone tailgates me, gives the car behind me a nice shower and they usually back off, or get more mad and pass me up.

Maybe even an ice cream

As I hate RHD, easy ND. Reminds me of the driver's ed car back when I was 15, but

Well, both Moderna and Pfizer claims 90%+ efficacy. So basically you are calling them liars. Fair enough.

N: Can anyone share with us if anyone you know who has taken any of the vaccines has any side effects?

To my knowledge, vaccines don't kill viruses, just makes it so that the virus can't enter your cells and multiply.

Ummm, "solely responsible"? Like they are responsible for Americans not wearing masks and not partying it up? I hope you are left handed...

Well, US folks have guns, something that the Chinese citizens do not have. 

I have friends who work for Boeing here in SoCal. Luckily they weren’t part of the 737 team so I’m pretty sure they’ll be keeping their jobs. One friend works in the Defense part of the business, he’s worked on nukes and the X-37. He’s not allowed to tell us what he’s working on now due to security clearance. But ya,

Oh, and this is a bit of a non-automotive aside but if you ever drop a ring or something similar down a sink drain, I’ve got two words for you that will make your life a whole lot easier: Shop Vac.

I’ve been using 1/4" neodymium magnets with a broken telescoping radio antenna for years. Those little magnets are pretty strong and put 3 or 4 of them together and they can pickup most spanners easily not to mention all nuts, washers and bolts that get dropped down the engine bay.

Well, seeing how he’s already owned (and crashed) a McLaren F1 I think he can check that one off the list. And as the boss of Tesla, it wouldn’t befit him to be caught driving around in an ICE for posterity’s sake. I say just let him get on his Spaceship to Mars and be done with it. Now, the bigger question is who is

On a side note, has anyone tried doing the “cut cheese with a line/string/cable” with roof snow? So a line would be placed and dragged underneath the snow to free it from the roof to make it slide down...just wondering.

I still want one, you are my hero, a friend in high school DD’d a silver one.

It’s lowered 3" so you have to be careful not to go anywhere it might not clear.