
Well, don’t feel that way about MSG, David Cho in his lab created an “organic” version of MSG...turns out the molecular structure is identical to MSG...ROFL! It’s OK to like MSG, I just get cottonmouth when I eat it. There are no adverse health affects, it’s just “umami”.

At least BMW drivers keep their hands on the steering wheel...LOL

But something that happens once or twice a year at most, that only requires a restart is hardly any issue.

So... you pulled out in front of a faster moving car, and are trying to blame them because of what they were driving?

I have noticed a lot of Teslas go slow on purpose, then when you go to pass them the speed up...

Now playing

Damn, bring it on Torch! With that, I leave you with some other “motherfucker”

You know about the brain implant thingy too?

It’s that way with any true believers, trust me, my parents are Seventh Day Adventists....I’m Atheist...LOL

Does AP turn off like cruise control if you hit the brakes?

Wow, my ‘98 Tacoma had a blown head gasket and was leaking oil into cyl #3 and I didn’t pass smog. No visible smoke or low oil between oil changes. Once I replaced the gasket (and the other bits like the chain guides and water pump) the smog guy was like “I can’t believe how good it’s passing.” Still, a car burning a

LOL, tell me is there any other reason a human being should be in a trunk?

Then I stand corrected.

People who race from door to door without proper winter gear are someday going to find themselves broken down alongside the road in danger of quite literally perishing.

I thought slavery ended a long time ago...where does he live so I can have some slaves too...LOL

No, but people put engine block heaters which is basically the same thing as putting a jacket on a human.

I do the over because the paper is easier to grab and closer. But hey if you like reaching over a bit more and hitting the all with your hand, more power to ya....LOL

Not a good idea in Alabama. Drive without pants and you’re getting a ticket and a meeting with the judge.

Fun fact, Chik-Felatio uses MSG as one of their main ingredients!

Ya, people just don’t realize that transportation accounts for a lot less climate change. No, Tesla and EVs aren’t going to stop Global Climate Change, in fact, if anything they will help contribute to change during the manufacture of the cars and resource allocation of raw materials.

If you have oil pressure, it’s pretty much instantaneous in human after a few revolutions of the crank.