The first model to be launched will be Model 3, the cheapest among Tesla vehicles, with prices starting at over $74,739 (5.5 million Indian rupees), according to a report in the Economic Times on Saturday.
The first model to be launched will be Model 3, the cheapest among Tesla vehicles, with prices starting at over $74,739 (5.5 million Indian rupees), according to a report in the Economic Times on Saturday.
I think everyone needs this reminder video...
You know the scene in the movies where the hysterical person gets a slap across the face? Seems so appropriate...
I am booked for a flight to Fairbanks, AK on the 8th for business, I wear my mask and keep to myself. The deniers are not shocking at all, seeing how we live in a world where a guy will launch himself in a homemade steam rocket to prove the world is flat...that guy died by the way on his 2nd attempt....ROFL!!!
If everything goes to plan, (lol, ya right...) I’ll be driving up the ALCAN this summer to Fairbanks. It’s been 40 years in the making :)
With enough practice you could get within range of that E-braking and whipping the car around is not all that hard if you practice it for like one day...but yah, that Moffat is pretty darn good.
Foxbody Saleen FTW!
OK, because throughout my life I have met “white” folks who claim like 20 different races, starting with Cherokee, Scottish, Irish, German...and the list goes
I guess you didn’t read the part where my friend has a 999, ridden the Monster too...meh.
Mazepin is the son of Russian billionaire Dmitry Mazepin, who is throwing a lot of money at Haas for next year, and so it was never likely that much, if anything, would happen to Nikita
Good thing David is white...LOL
Did you get any fishing done or is that rod also part of your tool kit? ;)
Just out of curiosity, how much DNA percentage do you need to be able to claim a race or heritage? I mean, my sister’s kids are half Asian and White, if they continue to marry Caucasians, then their Asian DNA will be diluted to the point where it’s less than 1%. Will they be able to say that they are Asian?
Never got the appeal of Ducatis, loud dry clutch and less power than all the other brands, then priced double. No thanks, parts are expensive to boot, a friend has a 999...
I’m sure that granny kept all the service records from her local mechanic, you know how old folks
I have trouble believing this thing hasn’t been around the block.
Da fuq....
Can you use some nail polish to make the letters and numbers more visible?
LOL, having owned around 5 cars with those mouse belts, I actually like them...I never did buckle the lap belt.
My uncle had one of thanks, seriously go buy a used Accord or Camry for this money.