
Yah, just make sure the strut towers don’t break, oh and that awesome Audi reliability. ;)

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OK, I’m still a Tuatara fanboi ever since like a decade ago when it was announced. Just for reference, here’s a drag race vs a Veyron:

OK, so what if a company that is not producing a product or has any revenues goes public. It’s just the same as a bank loaning them the whole lump sum, money is money after all. I don’t know of any business that doesn’t require capital (aka money) to start up. Even your lemonade stand needs some startup capital to get

Actually my cats started to figure out how to use the

I’m sure he was pumping his fist after each run he didn’t

If you wanted to restore any car to this level of niceness, $10K is like the cover charge at the door. Not my cup of tea, but it is really well done.

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Well, it looks like they got the AI truly “human-like”...LOL

IKR? Like the rails have been using hybrid tech for like a 100 years now...and they call it “new” tech...LOL

Just out of curiosity what do you find silly about the eSTang? And as far as cross country trucking, it’s not as energy efficient as rail. But with that aside, if a truck travels at 70mph (let’s be realistic here, no one drives 55, especially Sammy) for 10 hours, that’s 700 miles. The FMSCA says truckers should drive

Electricians driving around in electric vehicles, what a concept! LOL

I think he is referring to The Great Depression that soon followed Black Tuesday.

I know, right? I read the Jalopnik article and in the interview, Oliver said that during the record breaking run he hit a crosswind and almost went into the ditch. From just that info I knew that the video wasn’t the record breaker.

Oliver said this was his last gig, according to the Jalopnik article last week.

OK, so this looks more like a PR disaster than an actual fraud. I mean in this day and age, won’t our phone GPS work within acceptable parameters? You know, as a reference not a record keeping device. Oliver should have had his phone on as well to see how accurate phone GPS is vs the really expensive equipment.

Haha, as a 914 fanboi I’ll pass on this one. Unless you have some crazy money and plans to put in a WRX motor or go EV, it’s probably better to pay more for a better one. But if you absolutely must have a 914 and don’t have the could stop smoking crack and save your money to buy this

Quick question: What happens say if the driver falls asleep and the Super Cruise detects this? I would hope it safely comes to a stop and waits for help?

If it’s subscription based, does it expire when you are on the road? Imagine, Super Cruise ON...until it isn’

One of my pet conspiracy theories is that Super Cruise’s camera is there to protect GM when you crash using Super Cruise and GM needs to prove that you weren’t paying attention.

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Torch, I’m noticing a “van” trend going going to buy one soon? hehe

Costs be damned, I love curved glass.