
So then throwing away a perfectly good piece of hide just to make a vegan interior made up of plastics and  other non-biodegradable material is somehow better? Maybe it’s for the

What exactly is “vegan” interior? Like made from bamboo and wood or plastic and metal?

Are you a vegetarian? Or do you eat meat? Just wondering if you know where hamburgers come from...

I’ve heard that whale penis makes an excellent seat cover material.

Fun fact, “Hyundai” translates to “the present” or “modern”. The word “hyunshil” means “reality” to put in context.

Stealerships out here just trying to find and scam low information desperate sellers.

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Well, it’s better than getting Space Dementia...

Does someone need more flare?

Bolt and Volt is a pretty close second.

Why the backlash? I understand, but he was being honest and didn’t mention anything derogatory or used foul language. Sure, any fan would have written more out of admiration for Eddie, but obviously Crosby doesn’t. How many of you would also be like “Meh” if Kenny G died? I bet the Pope was like “Meh” when Prince died

I’m a “I buy whatever I fancy at the moment” kind of guy. But if the tools are for making money, I will splurge a little bit when there are sales. HF does have some gems, just gotta find them...and sometimes, you just want a Makita or a Snap-On. Generally, if you know what you’re doing, you will buy the right tool

For a $4k purchase, a try before you buy policy would be a great customer service policy.

Waiting for a rooted open source Flash ROM...then things would get really interesting :)

Haha, although I don’t put anything in my back pockets, I have “pocket dialed” a new calendar entry, changed my avatar in my game, and of course all the texts and about technology biting back.. Can pocket/butt dialing be considered a form of AI? LOL

Yah, the chopper comes from chopped up bikes, imagine how many of those were from stolen bikes.

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Underglow fans are crying a little bit...

Yay...go Virginia...yay....

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Here’s a clip from one of my favorite movies:

Then it totally makes sense that GM would start off with the Buick brand as their foundation. Someone did their homework at GM that day. :)