Al Swearengen

My dream jeopardy categetory is “He’s that guy who was in that thing,” and they’d put up a picture of a random actor no one knows and I’d have to name his name and one thing he was in.  I’d own it.

Following Jennings’ Twitter a couple of years back is one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long while. He’s just a delightful presence in every capacity, and it’s great to see him continue to evolve in the context of Jeopardy (and beyond!)

Ken is a national treasure.

Was he wrong though?

If you and I can have Twitter accounts adding pointless discourse to our current garbage politics, why can’t a mid-2000s game show celebrity?

“Then one morning I woke up and said, ‘Fuck hot dogs’. I renounce hot dogs, I will never put my mouth around a hot dog again. That’s how much ‘fuck hot dogs’. That was 17 years ago and I have never so much as licked a hot dog. And I love hot dogs.”

I figure that the average demographic that still actually watches local news, as opposed to getting their information online, also watches Fox anyway.

Yeah this attempt at adding a little extra edge to the article failed miserably.

The Simpsons, a show that hasn’t been good for 20 years.