
I'm sure Kristen knows but tbh, it was too damn hot to think straight!

The new Michigan Avenue bridge is really long.

Nice! Wiki-karma is a bitch.


Donald? Was that joke for Donald Trump? Tim Horton’s is a Canadian joint. This was also in Canada.....

“I told by Applecare that I could walk in the store and get the part!”

uh, all of the amazon listings have images of the insides, plus videos of each bag...

uh, all of the amazon listings have images of the insides, plus videos of each bag...

if you dont mind, ill keep the starks and lannisters as far away from anything to do with my wedding as possible

Who also happens to be super buff; have you seen her videos doing rear pull downs? Insane back.

I’ve had a uncomfortable fascination with Stefania for a long time.

Was going to post a “For those too lazy to Google”... But after googling myself, it’s probably best if people just choose to Google this one on their own...

Had to take a look too. I’ll be in my bunk.

That Metapod armor is nuuuuts. It’s crazy how each con seems to up the ante in terms of overall quality.

If you’re an AMC Stubs Premier member, go to an AMC theater today and get BP tickets for next Tuesday for $5. Source: I already did it.

Every story (and video) about this movie makes it look better and better!
Fandango says Monday night tickets are available, so this Monday I’ll spend the day at the National Museum of African American History and Culture (got my ticket months ago, tickets for June will be available on March 7th) and then go see Black

You’re not wrong.

You’re not wrong.

I know you only posted this deal to brag about your first chicken dinner and I totally get it.

I know you only posted this deal to brag about your first chicken dinner and I totally get it.

Want to REALLY impress that escort who just thought you were some schlub with a by-the-hour notell-motel coffin space? Show her the Presidential Suite at that disenfranchised EconoLodge Plus by the airport! UPGRADE! You’ll feel like a big spender as you both awkwardly say goodbye over the continential breakfast cold