Police has already released a sketch of the suspect.
Police has already released a sketch of the suspect.
Wibbly wobbly...blocky wocky...stuff?
um, for all the replies I am not going to publish live, he's joking
Oh c'mon, you're just taking pictures from the actual actors on set now and trying to pass them off as cosplay, how is that NOT Tom Hiddleston?
If you own any devices powered by standard batteries, and you aren't using rechargeables, you're basically throwing money down the drain. Eneloops are widely considered the best on the market, and there are two great options today to get you started.
Oh god, kouples... PLEASE OH GOD NO
...You know that's actually not a horrible idea? Kotaku Kouples or some kind of singles siAARGGGH ow just typing couples with a K caused one of my eyes to fly out of my head and now im spraying blood everywhere help
"Those people who're telling you that you're too intimidating, that you're too smart or too whatever and you need to dial it back so you don't hurt dude's precious fee-fees? Fuck those people." x1000
Why do I keep getting the feeling we should make a Kotaku dating thing? So many readers with the same sort of background and same hobby....
Not exactly what I want in a marriage.
Happiest gal in Rapture?
I noticed how no one had done Leonardo Dicaprio yet...
God, I am going to get an ouya and cry my eyes out when this comes out. Also because I spent money on an Ouya.
"Jesus, I can't even watch this," the man sitting next to me whispered, fidgeting in his seat. The screen in front…
I hate with a passion anyone who buys something for the sole purpose of selling it to someone who actually wants to buy it (but couldn't because of supply issues exasperated by these assholes) at a massively inflated price. They add no value to the transaction, the profit they make is just a douchebag tax. It's less…
On Friday, Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters, with its unique blend of space-opera and insane comedy. Which…
You can't have an article about The Rock's career and not mention Arnold officially passing the torch, in the Rundown.
Let us not forget about this one:
No Race to Witch Mountain?
Fixed. You're welcome.