
Alot of Darths Claims in regards to his "A.I improvements" are grossly exaggerated.

Now playing

I am a personal trainer and I always tell my clients the same. If you want to get strong, Max Weight, full body. 20 minute workouts are all you need unless you plan on BB comp.

no. ps2 won for the following reasons.

no it doesn't.

Making death threats is not "legally protected".

Happy b-day tommyfats, on your 31st bday i present you with 25 years of win.

Was saints row 3 banned in Aus for the ability to beat women to death with a giant dildo?

So Alien Anal probing has been a running gag for 50 years, but whne its put in a video game... thats when it crosses the line.

Rape is never funny.

No U

"We expect the Xbox One to sell as many units as the PS4. If we are wrong, we think that Microsoft is prepared to lower price next year."—Analyst Michael Pachter

see here's the problem with your arguments and your sources and facts and junk.

no. If you have the reproductive organs of a female of said species, you are teh female of said species.

I personally just wish there weren't so many damned black people running around in games. I mean really... the idea that there should be a black person in the game that isn't shining my white characters shoes, or screaming "Lordy, Lordy" when something bad happens is offensive to me.

uh... they murdered Jesus... duh.

Dead Island Goty is 5 bucks on steam

creepy is subjective.

that woman has never met a "real man" in her life.

so its only ok to look if you pretend like your not?