
AS a canadian resident, and watching my mother go through breast cancer.

Shadow Warrior was and still is the greatest fps of all time.

Fret not sweet Jason.

kinect is gonna go the same way the first one did, its a useless feature.

you forgot that ps4 is 20% cheaper.

"This silly dub".

I'd wager a hundred bucks the guy was black.

I don't know what bothers me more in this thread, the bashing of a Canadian, or the bashing of a 12 year old black girl.

its your own segregatory label.

Now playing

sums up his whole character in one dinner conversation.

How dare you bring Janus into this. He wasn't evil, he was doing everything he could to avenge his kingdom and his sister.

its one of the 2 movies I watch yearly, cuase they freaked me out when I watched them as a child (young child).

I liked the zombie ending though.

you betcha.

her dad is an alien. Hate spoiling it but its a terrible film anyway.

definately an underrated film. I liked the ending twist.

that wasn't stephen kings ending though. In the book, the never make it out of the mist, it just goes on forever.

Jeri Ryan in all those skin tight leotard uniforms....mmmmm.

I wouldn't go with this because it wasn't really a twist if you see it coming from a mile away.

I for one agree with you.