
Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

Aside: The Falcons should go back to those ‘90s uniforms permanently.

If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?

Hamilton Nolan posts are a lot easier to fully understand when you realize that they could just be “FUCK RICH PEOPLE” in size 144 font and be identical in content and thought put behind it.

This - patch notes havent been released yet. These are the wrong patch notes.

You just linked to the PTR patch notes which has been live since last week...