Tom K.

I’m so glad jibanyan figured out he can kill the trucks by clogging the drivers arteries instead of punching them really really hard.

Why has no one mentioned stocks seriously they give you items that even on a miss you still do damage sure it’s not the 5-7 you would of done but focus firing rookies with stocks can be a godsend.

Ya know I think about this alot and while I don’t think it’s a public domain anymore (thanks Disney) I would love a shadow of mordor/assassin creed/crackdown style barsoom chronicles (princess of mars, gods of mars ect..) Video game straight up jumping across battlefields and up buildings parrying and slicing pirates,

Didn’t blizzard say when the game was announced they wanted to have monthly matchmaking maps like during the diablo update mines were disabled I wouldn’t mind if for like a month we had 3 map playlists like Right now its this new map raven queen and mines because that’s the theme of this new map.

I dunno LoL didn't start it's Halloween map till the day before Halloween. As tacky as it is that Diretide didn't start before Halloween or even on Halloween would it really be a deal breaker if we got to trick or treat in November? I mean considering Diretide only thematically represents Halloween and is not at