Penis Van Lesbian

The lack of buzz around this is amazing — people struggle to even feel hate toward Chibnall any more. He’s just exhausted them.

Wait to you hear what Rage Against the Machine is all about. 

Go build a house on a Native American burial ground and see how that turns out for you.

This isn’t (or shouldn’t) be a normal Stand Your Ground case. Here’s the issue: in order to justify the use of deadly force or threat of deadly force, FL statute requires that said force or threat force be “necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the

They should’ve called it Portal Combat.

Never happened. That was one of several fictitious stories in Scorsese’s film.

File this under who gives a shit. 

I got a Dawes notification for this?

It took about a week after the Amy Cooper incident—a week in which the term Karen went viral—for the meaning to shift from white women weaponizing their racial privilege, to being just another way for incels and misogynists to tell women (all women) to shut the fuck up online. I belong to a few genre (sci fi, mostly)

It isn’t who I am either.

Now playing

I don’t think the complaint of the first book was that it was about Cline’s interests, but that he didn’t synthesize something new out of those interests and fell back on pure reference of them. It was like reading “Family Guy: The Novel”

Or, to put it better:

Well, if this doesn’t get people into theaters, I don’t know what will!

Well I’m an Armenian castrato with a limp, so you don’t speak for me.

That’s the circumcision scar. 

To me (speaking as a white man with opinions about things he is absolutely unqualified to have opinions about - as white men are wont to do), there is a VERY narrow area of satire where I can see blackface working.

“A note to desktop users: If you’d like to view this story in a scrolling layout, you can narrow your browser window.”

In this, the year 2020, where even the most ridiculously implausible and stupid things seem to happen with frightening regularity, I will still go out on that limb and say that “Ernest Cline wrote a good book” is impossible.

His grandson will win this competition: Tucker Carlson III

She knew what she was getting into.