Shut up blackey
Shut up blackey
Is cam newton the next Ronda rousey where anyone who doesn't love him is a bigot?
Look at greg howard approving posts that support his racist agenda. How sad.
Is deadspin going to call out BLM for some of their insane messages post-Paris? Or do a few lunatics represent a race when it's white people being dumb.
White guy here. Trust me, we are not scared of black people. We own the world. Black people are not a threat in any way. Lol at thinking so.
ISIS is contained. Non story. Religion of peace
I thought ISIS was “JV?”
How does deadspin reconcile its white knight mentality with its love for black athletes? How can you be feminist and support black men who commit a hugely disproportionate number of rapes?
So I have a bit of a poop mess on my hands. My girlfriend enjoys a rigorous anal fisting and lost control of her bowels on my couch. Can Jolie ask tom Ley how to clean it? He loves ass fisting and I'm sure this has happened to Tommy.
Look at tommy being a good male feminist
Because social justice warriors like the ones on deadspin equate rooting for rousey with being a good feminist. Remember they share offices with Jezebel and have to listen to those insufferable cunts all day.
Bullshit. You get outraged on the Internet all of the time. It's what you do.
You're a woman hater and anti feminist. If you don't worship rousey you aren't a feminist.
Deadspin is really pushing this “bad, cool” thing in every post.
Lol. Totally untrue. No inventions. Nothing. Just freeloaders. Africa is a fucking disaster too. Name a less successful race.
Sure. Once black people make a major contribution to modern civilization then I’ll take the trade. You're either on your phone or computer (both white contributions) and using the Internet (another white innovation). But your white hate will get you alllllllll the Internet points which you can redeem at your local…
If history was reflected by TV then you'd think that black people are responsible for every major innovation in the history of humanity and white men are worthless dolts.
This is the most vacuous piece I've ever read. Did Michelle Obama include how she was admits that she only got into princeton because she's a negro?
Why does tom Ley feel the need to use urban slang? Dude is a privileged white guy with pansexual tendencies.
Oh look a male feminist in his natural habitat on kinja.