Social justice Kevin strikes again. Can't get clicks because of his writing ability so he race baits.
Social justice Kevin strikes again. Can't get clicks because of his writing ability so he race baits.
Tom Ley would have sucked the ball in with his cavernous anus.
She was paralyzed
Not to mention Deadspin is run by sexually carnivorous homosexuals who are aroused by child rape.
Tom forgot his favorite band: the village people.
He was only having fun!!!!!!
Cruises are so white. Triggered
Oh black people being lazy.
Cam choked harder than Tom Ley gagging on a 12" black cock
Cam=choker. Dude couldn't handle the pressure and gagged. Not surprising. He isn't too smart.
Deadspin is really salty about cam choking.
Cam choked. Lol.
Cam the choker didn't help.
Was cam newton the first quarterback to choke so hard....
Cam choked hard. Lol. Will Greg Howard have a think piece on this ?
Why do black people have such difficulty with teamwork and selflessness?