But I thought Thomas and Martha Harvey were loaded.
But I thought Thomas and Martha Harvey were loaded.
Amazing how just seconds after he was hacked, he managed to sleepwalk to his phone and delete the tweet while sleeping.
“Damn. Clippers getting hacked was kinda my thing.”
Seems a little weird to suspend someone for continuously taking mirrors off of bathroom walls, but what do I know.
Fox News is exactly like Donald Trump.
“Hey we’ve got Namath. Which blonde lady do you”
Pretty hard to take you seriously when you cite Broussard as a ESPN personality when he hasnt been there for months. You must be real tied in and an expert of this subject, huh?
+ every dadjoke ever
As my mama used to say ‘ that’s a long way to drive to find out the store is closed’.
Eh, Fuck the Mets.
I’m pissed they didn’t take Adams, needed secondary help just as much they needed a QB. What blows my mind about the reaction people are having to this is that they see the Bears as stockpiling bad QBs and nothing else.
Because Pace knows his days are numbered if they don’t get headed in the right direction. This is essentially a Hail Mary in hopes that he will save his job.
Raiders Draft Room:
It’s hilarious what Primetime thinks of himself. I mean, good for him - it’s healthy to be that confident - but it’s fucking hilarious. Charter school hilarious.
“Had he gone to one of my bogus charter schools, he would have learned civility, politeness, and how to make Gucci purse knock-offs in a basement sweatshop for my benefit.”
I love how he goes from grandma to “get to the damn quarterback!”
Many keeping score across the South insisted he was batting .600 after the first at-bat.
So those Pirates pitching prospects from India should be surfacing any time now, right?
Why doesn’t the NBA mind the player-for-a-day thing when it comes to Derrick Rose?