
If you’re a skinny dude looking for value, my money is on the “Rude” jeans you can buy at (I know, I know) Hot Topic. I’m a 28x32 and almost nowhere else reliably has my size. The jeans are like $30 bucks, fit well, and last a while. And when they do start to get distressed, eh. They’re jeans, they’re supposed to look

If you’re a skinny dude looking for value, my money is on the “Rude” jeans you can buy at (I know, I know) Hot

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Father John Misty is the dude behind this, which sums up my feelings about this moment in the world better than maybe anything else:

Let’s revisit this subject once he’s shown any respect for/to the institution, our allies, the citizens he’s a public servant of, or basically anything other than his own outsized ego.

I can’t even *imagine* the shame/social discomfort I would feel if someone asked me where I worked and I had to explain it was an under-18 club called “Epic Under Eighteens.” Like, wtf were they thinking? For that matter, what’s the non-icky reason why someone would open one of these?

That thing was a prank pulled on the poor driver, right?

Jason Torchinsky is a national treasure.

The perfect vehicle for when Jered Leto’s Joker shows up in the Mad Maxiverse.

He’s become nothing more than the Bill O’Reilly for “9/11 liberal” ethnocentric war hawks. Always whining about “PC culture”—basing his entire brand on it at this point—and crying foul anyone calls him out on his bullshit. If you’re gonna be a prejudiced, retrograde pig, at least do us all a favor and wear a stupid

That’s a fucking nightmare.

It’s like they created a terrible foreign “Engrish” style name, but did it in their own native tongue.

That’s true, I hadn’t considered that.

What a nightmare. And also, I can’t believe they wanted people to stay on the train when the front car had burst into flames.

Fuck HOAs and HOA mentality. Haven’t these people ever watched a children’s cartoon about “being yourself?” I swear, these people are oblivious to the fact they’re living life with the value set of the villain in a Lego Movie.

You can always tell a Torchinsky article by the headline

But, but, but...BENGHAZI!!!!

Sorry Steve, but I’m not a Judeo-Christian anything. I don’t give a shit about the South China Seas and neither does anyone else in the USA. But China cares a whole lot about it. When one side of a war isn’t invested in something, it usually doesn’t go well for them.

Really ballsy/dumb/trusting being in that crowd of people a few feet away from a rally racer drifting through the snow...

I sure *hope* it’s nothing more than a waste of time. We’ll be getting off easy!

I’m thinking Widow is more of a Hex, personally

As someone who never stopped “maining” Bastion (I say in quotes because if you’re maining anyone, you’re playing Overwatch wrong), I welcome all of this with a big shit-eating grin.