I am legit surprised that Oprah is worth less than Spielberg or Trump. Seems like OWNing your own TV network and media empire should bump you up that list.
I am legit surprised that Oprah is worth less than Spielberg or Trump. Seems like OWNing your own TV network and media empire should bump you up that list.
Exotic cars built for people with more money than sense, like their owners, hold an unfavorable position on insurance tables.
It’s surprising the animatronics weren’t auctioned off or something. I can’t imagine a wax museum closing down and just leaving the figures in there to fall apart, seems like there’s got to be some wealthy Japanese people who have nostalgic memories of this place who would have been willing to rescue the, uh, hosts.
Wouldn’t it make sense to buy once the economy has been ruined?
It was voted down because there was an extremely high-profile, market-saturating campaign (I’m in LA) of billboards, television, and radio advertisements plastering WWII & Korea-era vets saying nothing about the market value of drugs at large but implying that a “Yes” for 61 would allow pharmaceutical companies to…
I never got the region locking thing...back in the pre-eBay days, were companies like Nintendo really concerned that the grey market import of non-English language titles would be so big as to affect NOA’s bottom line? That seems...unlikely.
Because these laws are a relatively new push from the Russian leadership, which is beholden to a shrew, cynical former mobster, and who in this case are using gay panic fearmongering in order to shore up support for their authoritarian regime.
I think it would be pretty cute if Zarya turns out not to be a coded gay character, but actually just super dominant and in an on-again/off-again relationship with, say, Torb or Lucio.
I took the physical claw-game mechanism for retrieving the tapes as a security measure against hacking from the outside and to try to limit access to the authorized. The Empire’s version of requiring two keys to fire the nukes.
I wonder if anyone out there thinks Widow is Best Waifu because of how nasty the divorce proceedings promise to be
Speaking as a Californian, I happily welcome any reasonable people to our island of sanity before the coming apocalypse! :-)
Read this review this AM and finally had to come to the conclusion he’s trolling.
Sounds a bit like Neon Genesis Evangelion. There has to be a weird anime out there about the goop car already, right?
I’m getting increasingly annoyed at how this interpretation of the election is becoming increasingly calcified despite mounting evidence to the contrary.
Ohhhh....color me corrected.
Ohhhh....color me corrected.
Anyone else notice that the TIE Advanced has folding wings and an open top hatch here? That seems to me a strong indication that we see Vader step out of his ship in this movie, and that we’ll see that the TIE Advanced’s wings are bent like that to allow easier egress. (It’s a slight canon error because the Vader Down…
Anyone else notice that the TIE Advanced has folding wings and an open top hatch here? That seems to me a strong…
He has gone out in an X-Terraemely unfortunate fashion.