It probably is, but I also get the impression it’s just not as big a deal.
It probably is, but I also get the impression it’s just not as big a deal.
I remember even in the late 90s/00s how economically inaccessible stuff was. ADV would charge like $30-40 bucks (IIRC) for a piddling release of like 4 episodes of Evangelion. And people bought it!
Not even remotely the same.
Nah, katakana will never stop looking “cool” and that’s good enough for me. :)
GOOD point
But...but it *is* the Shin-Godzilla design.
I’ve heard Tarantino held onto it for a time after production, then raffled it off at a production company party to one lucky employee.
WiiSport U Connect Plus?
There’s another good argument against knob doohickies which goes unmentioned in the article: with more and more third-party CarPlay/Android Auto or whatever interface modules on the market, who wants to get stuck with a dumb little fiddlestick that doesn’t do anything just sitting there?
I’ve often thought about how cool it would be if Blizzard let player characters combine abilities by working together — for instance, on a team with a Torb and a Genji, letting Torbie climb on Genji’s back and go up a steep wall in order to plant a turret higher than he could otherwise. Imagine if Symmetra’s turrets…
I definitely found that when I was playing on the bunny slope around Levels 1 ~ 25, Bastion was basically a free pass to kick ass. Then my success with him dropped off as I started playing more experienced players. Now I’m at Level 50 and starting to warm up to him again, as I’m gaining a better appreciation of when…
The internet has forever ruined that term for me.
27 yo — definitely OJ. Was very frustrated that my cartoons were being preempted, lol.
No, it’s John Harrison ;)
Maybe *that* is the joke.
I’m worried you’re in a dark place.
The frame rate!
I used to have that issue when I was a little kid. The. WORST. :-\
Add the female head, too, and I’m there — I don’t recognize this strange strong-jawed visage from my time in the FO4 wastes!
The designer, getting his inspiration.