...also Pininfarina styled the Metros; that and other details make it the first true world car. The Nash/Hudson/Kelvinator merger formed AMC Corp that sold Rambler marquee cars (the way GM sold Chevrolet marquee), cars actually sold as “AMC” didn’t happen til 1970. The earliest Ramblers, til say ‘69, kept a lot of…
Sample’s too small.
>more HP, heftier gears etc
WAIT — lest you think i'm some neanderthal DUH OLD WAYZ WERR BETTER HURR DURR — drum brakes do suck in an essential way - they don't scale up well. they're fine, quite, for small cars (like this), but above 10, 11, 12? inches, the mass involved gets silly. when you need to dump 5, 10, megajoules stored in a 5000 lb…
i had no idea! i'm terrifyingly flattered by all the commenters. i assume in real life you'd actually punch me for ruining Cars for you, but i bask in the fantasy in the mean time.
i resemble that remark! fugly is the preferred word.
if i told you, then you would have to be killed by me.
i re-discovered (read: STOLE) some old hot rodder techniques for improving drum brakes.
wow! thanks Jason! no one ever doesn't make fun of Ramblers! and your readers are so kind! (erm, it's probably a mistake to say that).