Tom Horton

God as my witness, I thought turkey dogs could fly.

Tracy Dick.

Sounds like the crap that was on The Bends.

If this was a takedown and not a celebration, you need to recheck your dictionary.

Hang on, do you think that Brenda and Eddie *are* the people in the framing story?

Loved Abed's desperation at being forced into must-be-social niches.

The Yellow King can be dangerous, but with an agressive campaign of antibiotics, you should be free of it in a couple weeks.

You cut the budget for classic TV recaps, which introduce people to things they might never have seen or experienced, and then you start a football column? Boo. Boo on you, sir. You are helping this site slide into another thing people instinctively know better than to click on, like Buzzfeed.