That slideshow format is TERRIBLE...just saying....
That slideshow format is TERRIBLE...just saying....
Seems as though a lot of the design is copying a student project from 5-6 years ago.
I appreciate the red arrow pointing to something important. Click to hear Mr. Clean explain it!
This honestly seems like a really, really good idea by GM
The Cybertruck makes the Cybertruck look like an angular silver turd.
The only complaint about this awesome story is the title makes it sound like it was someone’s personal car, not a prepped M4 by a business that makes cars designed for this...
Because you are not a certified Cheap Bastard™
I think a better title would be “The Grille Isn’t the Only Problem”
i disagree with this hot take.
With interest rates as they are today (assuming a credit rating such that you have any business buying a new car in the first place), paying cash for a car that is more than beer money is really rather silly. Invest the cash, finance the car.
You get what you pay for, I guess.
Correlation is not causation. The lack of specificity on the batteries was the reason for the stock value drop, not the promise of a relatively cheap Tesla model.
People have been trying to extract lithium from clay for years, but apparently all you’ve needed all along was table salt? Yeah, kay.
Actually, they're both M3s, and BMW is really stupid.
I can’t decide what’s more annoying:
The promise of a Turbo is that it can be a DD. The Turbo S made a huge leap this generation and could arguably spank any prior GT3 at the track. I like it almost because it’s NOT a GT3. GT3's are incredibly common at any track day, for good reason. The Turbo has become the alternative choice. Cars are also just too…
Those are all terrible, but let’s face it: that design is terrible and can’t be helped.
Are you sure about that 270 hp figure? As I recall, Dinan called the package with the Vortech V2-S blower, the S3 package. I have the same package on my E36 M3 and without the Dinan Exhaust/Intake/additional tune, you were rated at 340 hp. With the addition of those add-ons an E36/7 made more like 370-372 hp at the…
Color sucks, hardtop sucks, wing sucks and the centrifugal supercharger that only adds 30 horses doesn’t suck hard enough.