Tom Hegedosh

I’m stunned at his ability to go flat out through so many corners there

this is our decade’s Porche Yellowbird video. Must see

average speed of 150mph on a track, LOL. this guy...

Going offsides with your car. With soccer and tennis, I understand, but car racing? Isn’t the whole idea to get ahead?

Jalopnik trained me to think that Carmax has awesome trade in values, when the complete opposite is true. I was quoted $2500 for a used C class, that I sold for $5k on the private market

My dream car, a 1999 Viper GTs ultimately was a letdown, and I had to part with it, but have no regrets in owning it. I’ll never forget the day I picked it up, tool the keys, and said to myself “This is MINE now”?

our quarrel has settled

using a water marked image on purpose? You’re either too clever for me, or an excellent liar. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. FOR NOW

spent all that money to go to the ring, and didn’t buy the $20 photo? lol

an automatic 997tt cabrio - that’s the worst color on that car

I have someone who’s in the market for one actually! For those wondering the warranty period is 4 yr/50,000 mi basic, 4 yr/50,000 mi powertrain 

I’ll allow it!

Sure, raw materials and labor costs went up, but I’m curious if the profit margins stayed the same during the overall car price inflation

that car will still be worth $140k in 12 years, if you keep the mileage to 500 a year. He HE HE

ignoring the top comment by Derek, I’m pretty sure that’s a Lambo dude

here’s how I value it:
$2,000 for it being almost new
$500 for the nostalgic lines that are getting hyped up by Ready Player One
$500 for the digital dash
$750 for that top speed


“Your car will be ready next week”

“ a race transmission like this can be seconds faster per shift than a street transmission” - dang bro, how many seconds are you taking per shift on the street?  

m3 swap into a 318ti. What a nightmare

headline + picture made my brain read it as “abandoning the SNOW”