
hahahaha in her dream he's a nerdy glasses-doning dude, and lily's bi, and i am laughing at veronica's interpretation of everyone else's lives rn

Didn't she immediately know it was Cassidy because his voice had been taken out of the previous tapes? I remember seeing it and not experiencing whiplash because it all made so much sense.

this reminds me of every poster in the early 2000's, so i respect it. I hope the next spider-man poster is a super washed out background that's basically all white and everyone standing together out of costume and with pink font below them

Trump makes Bush look good, but that's because Bush is the equivalent of a syphilis infection, and Trump's the guy who knows penicillin would cure it but will go "anti-vaccine" on your ass for no reason. So, yeah, being purposefully ignorant and cruel is bad but so is syphilis.

I think it's not wrapped up. The pub scene wasn't him caving on taking those kids back, it was him knowing he couldn't say he'd murder Lennox and William right in front of everyone. He's too smart for that shit and you see it on his face, you see him literally thinking: "I'll let them think this is over until a better

The police being RIGHT THERE def fucked up her plan to kill him anyways.

The hair question is because he copied her platinum with blue streaks on PURPOSE. So, it's not 'what's with the hair?' as in the hair is bad, it's 'what's with the hair' as in, "YOU TOOK MY LOOK? WHY."

I like this show! I like that there's a show out there that says, "Fuck it! What if women were as creepy, invasive, and dehumanizing to men as many men are to women?" and ran with it. Chris' character is SUPPOSED TO SUCK. What she's doing is awful.

She's supposed to be unlikeable. Jill Soloway said her character is a 'female monster' who is making others more monstrous as the show goes.

also: PPL are mad about Clifford Reveal BUT Y'ALL GOTTA KNOW this show is going to have even more convoluted, bizarre things go down—Archie is definitely a Blossom or somehow related to Jason. There was soooooo much foreshadowing that every Blossom family member kept seeing their son in him. And, he had Jason's team #

that's why a second season is always fun too. Now the writers will be playing to Madeleine's strengths (they know she can play it up!) and probably writing even more scene work for her to do.

My question is… who had the footage and had it saved to drive that was in Jason's jacket pocket? Maybe it was meant to be blackmail for Papa Blossom?

the headline to me was like, 'duh' but i'm also 6 eps in.

I got more of a 'Gilmore Girls' from the first 2 eps than '30 Rock.' But, '30 Rock' is like 'Arrested Development' where all the characters are absurd, silly, insane and the humor is very off the wall bananas. I do see Liz in some of Heelan's character's self-deprecating jokes about herself. But 'Great News' seems

I really like the points you made! I do feel like Alicia was a character who was in-webbed in a story about sexism and ambition but Maia is in a story predominantly about racism and privilege. But I didn't think about how each woman serves the story theme until you brought them both up!!!!

'After all these years I still love Dylan' SHOOK

lol the fact that they have last names like the bubbly water is starting to mess with me a lil

Actually, the sense I got from the Becca drug-dealing scene is she gets ALL KINDS OF DRUGS whenever she can, but only had Oxy and Weed AT THE MOMENT. Wouldn't be shocked if Becca was also selling molly, addys, e, or a number of other things whenever they landed in her possession. Very HS rich white girl way of selling…

The strongest part to me is Timothy Hutton's character going to EXTREME LENGTHS to record and reprimand his wife's teen daughter for 'being sexual' but then later on, can't be bothered to really ask anything of the boys on the team he loves…

i'm a chubby girl who cries in bathtubs & this comment made me laugh 😂