Yeah because a bipolar man supporting someone while he was often his meds doesn’t relfect on his wife.
Yeah because a bipolar man supporting someone while he was often his meds doesn’t relfect on his wife.
“Nothing is easier or more pathetic than being a critic,” Trump said then, “because they’re people that can’t get the job done.”
“But it is transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.”
Are we really shaming older women who work in this completely imaged focused industry, and who have been subject to public scrutiny since their early 20s, for being concerned about their appearance (asking to be shot from a preferred angle)? When sitting amongst a group of people mostly 40 years their junior?
Someone violated the confidentiality agreement. Mr. Asner, I swear it wasn’t me.
Making Faces was always my go to book when being in a bookstore as a kid. I always had a sense that he thought everyone was beautiful and could make the beauty shine through makeup—which as an 11 year old, fat, nerd was comforting.
I am late to the comments and I wish I wasn’t... I’m “a gray”... but I want everyone to know.... I have known Judy - Edie’s wife - since college. They were/ are an amazing love story and I have never seen my friend happier. My heart broke today when I heard the news. She was an amazing woman who did so much for the…
Damnit Kinja ate my comments! Which means it will reappear at some later point so it looks like I double posted lol.
I’m so sorry to hear of her death. Because of her lawsuit I was able to gain insurance coverage since I could marry my wife. That happened a few years before I became disabled and wracked up hundreds of thousands in surgeries and medical bills. I shudder to think of what my life would be like with out.
Edith Windsor, an activist whose landmark Supreme Court case is largely responsible for dismantling 1996's Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and making gay marriage legal in America, died on Tuesday at the age of 88.
I remember thinking similar thoughts about attention to details during the chase scene in A Close Shave. Maybe 1/3 of the Jalop Population at most would even notice “hey, the lights dim a little bit when Preston starts the tru... I mean, Lorry.”
That’s Numberwang.
Let’s be fair though; the real reason to be a juror on this case is how it gives you a platform for honing your juror skills, building your brand as a juror, and attaining more high-profile jury stints as you develop your career.
Sure, but making less than your friends isn’t the same thing as being poor. I go onto a lot more detail in another comment in this thread, but for a long time, insisting on splitting checks equally would have been the same as making it impossible for me and others in our friend circle to enjoy group meals out the…
That’s a lovely gesture (sorry, that sounds sarcastic, but I swear I mean it sincerely!), but in a situation with a set social circle that does a lot of things together, it can get super awkward.
I so feel you on this. It used to happen on the reg to me, too. One day I woke up at 4am to my SO having a goddamn after party in my living room knowing full well I had to go to work in 4 hours.
I slept on an air mattress once when I was about 13 and it slowly deflated in the night, meaning I woke up lying on a flat piece of plastic. I’ve been suspicious of them ever since.
Giving a shit about my physical appearance.