
ISWYDT, but Roscoe was innocent.

I submit Bears and I (Walt Disney Pictures, 1974) with Patrick Wayne. He’s a vietnam vet who makes friends with some bear cubs. The bit at the end where the cubs have to strike out on their own.... [Tom pounds the desk and clears his throat]

My years of watching CSI has given me a deep sympathy for the indigenous people of Las Vegas.

Getchyor germans off mah fackin’ lamp, you slaaaag!

I like onions on my nothingburger.

Now playing

Affinity with pigeons is key. I want to see T’Challa send Steve Rogers a pigeon communiqué.

Ghost Dog meets the Cat-fella? Count me in, opening night.

It looks like CGI Tony Todd.


Ruby pumps? Say it with me...

Mon dew!

I think there was some research done that concluded most voters have an “Election Memory” of only a few weeks.

Chicago is the same shape as Florida?

Dredd’s a tough entrée to that universe. Make it a Judge Anderson movie. Judge Death is Anderson’s main nemesis anyway.


Teddy needs V-Sync.

“Whatcha think about thaaaat?”

I can’t be the only one who saw this. Please let that be Musk’s role in the mission: Disembodied A.I. head who chimes in with deadpan one-liners.