
isn’t the real moral of the story not to drink and drive?” that’s what I would have said :)
Seems like his resentment was a little misdirected. It could have been sketchier though.
Mechanic: “see these buddy?”
you: “your fingers?
Mechanic: “yep… stupid fingerprints!… cops found them all over the blood stained

I imagine the raked back windows are designed that way to allow for some usable deck space at the front of the boat (for boat wranglers… or whatever the correct term for those people is? ). If that’s the case then maybe they’re raked backwards, rather than vertically, to deflect the occasional freak wave down onto the

Hello, I didn’t debate you as I live in Europe, so different time zone. To be honest your follow-up is so full of virtue signalling, lecturing, and barely suppressed toxic rage that I’m not going to read it in full.
But I’ll answer your two questions calmly.
1. The authoritarian measures after 9-11 are an illegal

then convince me (as a govt) to get the vaccine! Make the case. Present the facts and address the concerns, demonstrate to me that this is the best solution and on balance the best course of action is to get vaccinated. But in the end respect my human rights to decide what happens to my body.
There are obviously no

Jesus, who shat in your cornflakes? The point is that governments should of course encourage vaccination, but how is forcing someone to submit to a procedure NOT a disgusting overreach that sets a dangerous precendent. I guess you’re spitting at your screen that vaccines are safe, well they probably are, but 100%

remain locked in the grip of conspiracy theorists, white supremacist and people who don’t understand basic science,”

have you done any research on this? the vast majority of the truck drivers are actually vaccinated but are objecting to the vaccination being mandatory. This is a huge overreach of a govt’s power. The

get more sleep. I snore when I’m really tired.
And lose weight, that really helps

that used to be the case decades ago, but I’d be suprised if most manufacturers don’t do what I saw on a factory tour in southern Germany a couple of years ago. The factory and production lines are setup so each car on it can be a completely different model, colour, spec.
For example car 3 on the line is a blue v6

…can’t…resist urge as… native…
UK Soccer? I think you mean football. That sport you play on your side of the pond? That’s hand-egg

hopefully aliens don’t atomise our planet thinking there’s some sort of gargantuan invisible space snake guarding it!


to the drivers who avoided the bike spinning across the highway, and then drove on ignoring the fact that there was a rider needing help.
Fuck you!

a more realistic depiction, I feel

wouldn’t be so quick to blame the Yaris driver.
Turret’s facing backwards, tank driving forwards.

Suspects some sort of tank based variant of ghost driving

looks at shoes...

tried it on a pizza moped... doesn't work
cue: pizza smushed up at one end of the box & annoyed customer

it's not, but it is part of America.

America is the name of the continent, so it would be valid to include Canada and South America, …oh hold on that's what the author's done!

working with your analogy. If the water companies could do the equivalent of what the article is warning you about, then it would work like this:

this has been happening for a while now here in Germany. They've actually started switching standard factory kit to being options; as the natives have realised you get VW quality at a cheaper price with Skoda.