A Gibbon named Tom

I don’t get the backlash to ‘The Witch’. Sure, it didn’t have jump scares, but there are a lot of really well regarded horror movies with similar pacing. I wasn’t warned going in, thought I was seeing a typical horror movie, and still thought it was fantastic.

Apropos of nothing, do you know if Mara Jade was intentionally named after Marcia Lucas? I always just assumed that, but googling turned up nothing.

Yea, I'm sure suing the taxpayer-funded public broadcaster for hundreds of millions of dollars is really gonna repair Subway's reputation among Canadians.

and the other illegally immigrated to New Mexico…

Of course he was O.K. with it. It was completely toothless satire that portrayed him as knocking around a bunch of hapless reporters. Any Trump supporters that saw it probably thought it made him look like a badass.

In the tie-in novels, one author tried to explain away the sounds in a vacuum by positing that Star Wars spaceships broadcast their own sound effects through interior speakers, so that pilots could hear as well as see what was going on.

That show is frustrating for more than just the audio. It's a great idea, and there are a few great episodes (the scientology arc was one), but the hosts really struggle to find the right tone.

…and all of which are, of course, subsidiaries of the Sheinhardt Wig Company.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, don't Chewie and Rey go to find Luke together? So it's one of Luke's oldest friends + someone who could use some Jedi training. Makes sense to me.

Wait, why couldn't you eat while you were watching? Is this some kind of Clockwork Orange scenario?

Don't they know? People with glass castles shouldn't stow thrones.

I found it an above average entry in the series. It's dragged down by the reliance on motion controls IMO. Remember when it came out and every outlet gave it top grades? its reputation sure fell off.


They pretty much have revived it (not through the av club though). It's called 'The Next Picture Show' and it's definitely worth it if you liked The Dissolve Podcast.

kangaroos are!

I love how (according to the Thrawn books) serving under Vader was sought after as a quick route to promotion, because the senior officers were always getting executed.

Fun Fact: what Oliver did isn't actually illegal in Canada. Telling people to vote a certain way isn't what is meant by "inducing" them to vote.

IIRC, I actually did find his explanation reasonably compelling: FDR was assassinated either early in his presidency or before he was elected. A more isolationist administration was elected. The US spent the years before 1941 looking inward, failing to get out of the depression, and not providing the material support

Clara and 11 had a lot of flirtation. The word 'boyfriend' was even thrown around a bit.

I'm a "90's kid" (ugh), and I was right on board with Alex's take on this. It looks like a handful of good acts, coupled with a bunch of stuff that was garbage in the 90's and hasn't improved with age.