
Yes, it’s a cynical attempt at marketing. ... I’ll go even farther and say “if it’s not actually in print, with ink, on a piece of paper, what do I care?” The cost of publishing is now near zero because of the Web, and that has enabled a tsunami of bad writing across the board. Most importantly in journalism. Those

This isn’t a criticism of you, and I’m sure your discussion is valid, but modern  criticism was why I dropped out of an MFA program. The academy absolutely killed my enjoyment of literature for a couple of years. It’s like the difference between a fish swimming and leaping in the ocean and then that same fish

Agree. It’s lazy for a writer to tack on things. If you want to do that, I’m afraid you need to knuckle down and write a new book. Even more irritating to me is how she relies on her new-found wealth to spout easy political solutions. Her origin story was “a poor person who wrote on napkins.” Now she is the

Will start this right after reading Proust. So, never, I’m guessing.

It’s not true that “the country has shifted profoundly to the right on everything from fiscal issues to gun laws.” The political duopoly wants us to believe that, but most people polled want single-payer health care and stricter gun laws.

Having walked out of movie theaters as reasonable places to be after the first 30 minutes of Pulp Fiction, and wondering why anyone cared about Fargo, I’m happy to see my decision was the correct one. (So why am I here? I check occasionally to see if pop culture has emerged from its septic tank.) The money spent

Yes, the Web killed journalism. Print pubs used to be the main link between seller and buyer, through classified and display ads. That revenue stream left a long time ago. A person has to search through a mountain of dross to find a good writer anymore. I saw the whole thing happen, from the time when we had an artist

Damn. That’s a huge loss.

Don’t forget his sphincter-tightening appearance at the ESPYs, where everyone looked at each other like “did this guy sneak on stage?”

You should ask for your money back.

In an episode of 30 Rock, Tracy Jordan threatens Liz that he is going to “break” character, like on the Carol Burnett Show. Liz calls this lazy and un-professional, but Tracy does it anyway, to big laughs but annoyance from his co-stars. The writer of that episode I think was on the side of Michaels, who is listed as

I rely on local TV affiliates for important information. When it is missing, I’m surprised. Also, despite being here online, I don’t have the ability to find a domestic abuse hotline. I have learned helplessness. I’m gonna jump. Lolling all the way down.


Many commenters here pretend to know the full circumstances. Pretending they are qualified to be jury, judge and executioner. Then they probably go on to lecture others about critical thinking. You don’t need to come to a firm conclusion about everything you read.

No one cares about US soccer. Only other soccer. And now that the rest of the world is interested in the women’ game, US women’s soccer will get passed like a lamp post.

Yeah it’s spot on. 99 percent of US soccer fans are cosplayers. It’s all an elaborate affectation from most, who turn over to NFL once it starts.

Almost all US soccer fans are ignorant of the sport’s requirements.

I assumed this was a joke.

US Soccer: A Division of Goldman Sachs.

Fake sport decided by referees. Worse than soccer even in that respect.