Tom Glavine only has 1 dong

Also, having good arguments doesn’t hurt.

I love when trolls get angry at other people’s tone.

Somebody lives in a bubble.
Tons of (dumb) people love that shit.

As someone who dropped off his ballot last night, this is a bullshit take.

I’m tired of people equating voting with saintliness.
I firmly believe people should be allowed to not vote as a form of protest. And especially if one does it as a protest...the idea that they should not be allowed to speak about it? Weird.


We understood your relationship with herb just fine after your first comment.

What crimes has she been convicted of by a jury of her peers in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution that you surely claim to love more than liberal-ol-me does?

Dumb superstition is dumb.
Also a GREAT example of confirmation bias.

Buck’s job is to reporton the game. Not pay homage to the mystical gods of baseball on behalf of any team or player.

Why not both!

Nah. Then you wouldn’t get the satisfaction of calling someone wrong on the internet. What was I thinking.

Reality would like a word with you about Heyward not being in the lineup of either game. (except as a defensive replacement in Gm 2).
Otherwise. Deep, insightful analysis.

Ugh...The only narrative more boring than “long suffering fans” is the “this fanbase is gonna turn into Boston” one.
This is a boring comment, that makes no sense, and it’s the millionth time some has made it. Yawn.

The Cubs scored 3 on him in 5 IP, a couple days ago.
What’s your point?