Tom Glavine only has 1 dong

This is becoming all too common Kinja. -1

Well what do ya know. A white guy who actually has black friends.

I think it’s “older white men who are in a position to have a lot of contact and interaction with younger black men, often in a very positive way that reveals these young men’s worth and humanity, in a way that the vast majority of older white men in this country do not.”

The President isn’t the problem. It’s the lack of thoughtful leaders in Congress that is the real problem. That body has become the land of demagogues and zealots.

Thank god you brought to light the existence of these remarks, previously only published in obscure places like USA Today and ESPN.

But it’s not as if they are saying these things because they know they have to, they’re making well thought out statements that shows they have a true understanding of what’s happening. Sure they don’t have answers, no one does, but the way these coaches are responding is showing they have taken everything into