Tom Glavine only has 1 dong

Only people he disagrees with have to be adults.

Or, like the time I paid a parking ticket that I didn’t deserve it was just easier to pay it, than continue with the nonsense.

I bet you make more money that me.
Give me $20 bucks. That’s chickenfeed to you, so just give it to me. Or the entire world will be justified in calling you a jerk.

Agreed. The only reason I took his side was to contrast the illogical assumption that because Tolbert has tons of money, he must be wrong.

Agreed. The only reason I took his side was to contrast the illogical assumption that because Tolbert has tons of money, he must be wrong.

Your post triggered this thought for some reason.

“We admit we lied about one thing. So, you HAVE to believe us on the other parts, because...”

Good point. I have never in my entire life heard of a shop screwing someone. So clearly we know that the player must be at fault.

What YOU paid is irrelevant.
If a business gives you a quote, and a timeframe and strikes out on does that make Tolbert the dick?

Seems like you’re acting like my old man. Anyone who makes more money than you is always wrong, no matter what.

I LOVE that the assumption is that the only thing wrong here is payment method.
If, and I don’t know if it’s true, but IF the service was as Tolbert described, why should I care if a couple scam artists had to work extra hard for their scammed cash?