Tebow would be doing better if he started looking to the third base coach for the signs instead of constantly looking up.
Tebow would be doing better if he started looking to the third base coach for the signs instead of constantly looking up.
Matthew 27:29: And they twisted together a sombrero of gold and put it on His head. They put a bat in His right hand and knelt down before Him to mock Him, saying, “Hail, King of the Mets!”
“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”
So even becoming a rich pro athlete doesn’t cure Sox fans’ inferiority complex.
This isn’t ribbing. This is being a dick.
Frank Kaminsky is 7 ft tall, averaged 0.5 blks, 4.1 rebs and shoots 41% from the field in 21 mins last year.
Our next call is from mance in Bolingbrook!
As a White Sox fan....what a dick. Jesus, dude, just let the other fans enjoy this.
Joke is still on him — he is a White Sox fan.