Tom Friedman's Cab Driver

In animation and CGI, there’s a phenomenon called the “Uncanny Valley” which describes how people are OK with watching cartoon characters, and also with “actually looks real” characters, but a “not cartoony but still fake-looking” character will make them a bit uncomfortable.

I can’t find the blog post or whatever that clued me in to it, so I won’t swear to it, but if you look at them you can see how most of the major elements like walls and the patio backdrop that shape the layout are in the same place.

Star Trek II and III, actually.

My favorite Frasier / Star Trek crossover is the fact that Frasier’s apartment and Captain Kirk’s in Star Trek III are the same set.

On it’s own, the question “Who is the woman backstage at the Tonys?” is pretty harmless, but mildly insulting if said woman is someone you’ve met multiple times. But adding on that Gideon “remarked that she says ‘like’ and ‘oh my god’ a lot.” tilts it toward “Why is she there? She’s not a good backstage host and she’s

Before the 7th, two Arizona batters had been hit by pitches, including in the bottom of the 6th, so the Pirate who got hit probably seemed like an intentional revenge plunk. It could very well have been, given the circumstances. But turning it right around and hitting the Diamondback’s leadoff hitter is the most

You and StillDrunk probably both know that hit batters automatically get first base, but StillDrunk’s post was a little ambiguous so I put that in just in case.

Hit batters get to take first base as if they had been walked. The article assumes that you know who plays for each team or are willing to do a lot of deciphering based on context. Some facts also just seem wrong, like the total number of HBPs.

More than twice as big as my entire house.

My house was built with 4-pin fluorescents in the recessed lighting and I also got annoyed with how often they died. I figured one or more of the ballasts was bad. Rather than horse around with diagnosing and replacing them I decided to bypass the ballasts, plugged in E26 socket adapters, and switched to LEDs.

I stocked up on 40 and 60 watters exclusively for my lamps connected to dimmers. They last a long time since I rarely run them at full wattage. Every where else I’ve got fluorescents and LEDs.

Yes, every Senate seat is absolutely crucial, especially the fiftieth (for Republicans to confirm Trump nominees), and fifty-first (to elect the Majority Leader). It becomes even more important if Democrats get a majority in the House.

Eureka is on Amazon Prime! Thank you so much, I had just started watching it on Netflix when it got pulled a few years ago.

They keep track of literally everything possible, or close to it. When you pause, when you fast-forward and rewind. How many episodes you watched in a row, which episode you stopped on and then what you watched after that. What language you watch in, whether you watch with subtitles. It goes on and on.

I don’t know if there’s any proof, but I think Shepard tones are unsettling because our brains have been trained to expect that noises that constantly rise in pitch will eventually reverse direction or become inaudible.

I hear Yanni for one or two loops, then it quickly fades to just Laurel.

Yeah, over-microwaving can liquefy the stick from the inside out, so reducing the power lets it soften more evenly.

It’s funny as hell to me that Dan Stevens was Matthew in Downton Abbey.

I was worried about this too, but the original season 4 episodes have been moved into the show’s “Trailers and more” section.

Because they want to eliminate GMO ingredients, and I think Heath Bars have corn syrup from genetically modified corn.