Listen Money Matters is a great DAILY podcast dedicated to personal finance.
Listen Money Matters is a great DAILY podcast dedicated to personal finance.
Even a top tier Ivy League school with a reputation isn't worth the cost if all you're getting is a Bachelor's degree. I'm only speaking of engineering here, but all engineering programs in the nation have to be independently accredited and conform to certain standards in teaching, which ensures that any accredited…
Simple: if you're going to go into debt getting an education, make sure it's an education in a field with good, paying employment at an educational level you plan to reach. In the information age, you can learn pretty much anything for the cost of an internet connection, or at most, audit classes at a university for…
Kristin, great post as always.
It was hinted at in the 'why' section but really outright stated:
I'm pro-college, but I have to say, the public universities can be pretty expensive, too! Mine nearly doubled its tuition a year or two after I graduated.
Going to college is debated by professionals however I think many of the anti-college people look at the cost of private universities when they make their analysis. Private colleges are super expensive and the debt that they leave a student with can cripple them financially for a decade. However cheaper,…
Borrowed money is generally categorized as "good debt" and "bad debt." Bad debt means taking on debt for things that…