
Beadle’s job is to host what is basically the sports equivalent of The View, and that does not require her to be able to explain the intricacies of a zone blocking scheme or break down a jet sweep. She’s there to guide discussions about narratives and broad storylines, which she can do just fine without watching

This is Indiana we’re talking about. Lamey got it from Daly, Daly got it from someone else, that guy got it from his son, his son got it from his 7 year old neighbor; you can keep going down the chain until the entire state of Indiana has lost their jobs or has been expelled from school.  

No.  Without TPP we don't get Miller's burger joints.

“the company would have caved LONG ago were it not for government loans and subsidies”


“allegedly growing in popularity”

I bet you’re fun at parties.

If we’re so slow, how come we caught and enslaved you?

You forgot Michael Kay, but I adore his show with LaGreca and Rosenberg, so I wouldn’t do that to him

Meriweather: Mr. Belichick, the bartender was hoping he could get paid now.

He is not the alleged killer, he is the actual killer.

I wouldn’t be so sure. If we’re talking about the recent Revis coverage, really anyone could be behind it.

Remember when conservatives did this after Barack Obama was elected in ‘08? Oh, wait, you don’t, because IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

Sweet jesus, how great is that GIF?

Is this the first time Carmelo has defended anybody?

I mean, heavens forbid they actually use that technology to figure out where a punt goes out of bounds so the refs don’t walk it back up an extra 10 yards, it’s not like I’m bitter about that or anything.

There’s always the one dude.

As far as Calvins on Sunday, he is only second to Hobbes for bringing a paper tiger to life.

The most American thing someone can do is to leave a baseball game early.