
I am very confused where the outrage comes from... RTX as a whole may be a defense contractor yes, but they also developed the first microwave oven. Applications of many of their patents go into commercial application. Not to mention that they have hired over 60,000 trained engineers and scientists, who (shockingly)

They haven't "robbed" anyone. That's the problem with people like you, you think you are entitled to things other people have. Some of us probably understand the system better than you, which is why we admire and mimic the tricks used to lower our own tax bill.

I lived on welfare in a trailer park growing up. I now make mid 6 figures. There is no bootlicking to attempt to avoid taxes legally. “Fair share” is such a bs phrase. Just b/c they created companies that made money doesn't mean they owe more, Elon works 80 hrs a week, sleeping in the office on a cot. Routinely takes

That’s not true. You could always be a black cow. My first Tauren druid was black.

Just picked up a Passat not too long ago and today just bought the wife a new Outback. In 5 years? Maybe, though I imagine I will have moved to Audi or Merc by then.

Maybe you should be offended that you think the character isn’t white...

You know the manga people seem to think she is.