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    Is this a microcosm of the entire nature of Silicone Valley? I take tech to be an inclusive profession, capable of handling diverse groups of people working together. But then this stuff comes out and it leaves me scratching my head.

    When are we going to get what we all want? To-the-death cage matches after eSports players talk smack to each other.

    You do know that the only reason terriers were produced as a breed is to kill rats, right?

    That’s nuts!

    Spanish teacher: “And what did you watch last night, Chris?”

    The last time a Packer flopped like that, it was out of Brett Farve’s wranglers.

    Every time a serious-looking neck injury occurs, these announcers say the same stupid fucking line: “keep your head up when tackling!” As if players purposely put their heads down when they tackle. It’s an instinct feature you fucks! You’re not going to change the instinct of a human being bracing for an impact!