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    The wrong tight end died.

    Field of Wet Dreams.


    From the other side of the coin: this is not an awful idea. It makes sure that kids out of high school are pursuing a life path that does not involve gang-related activities. Chicago is facing dire times, and to have a mayor that tries to fix the problems facing the city is refreshing, to say the least.

    Who would of thought that all this shit would make such a splash?

    I’ve been looking for a guy who both pitches and catches...

    Was this supposed to be funny?

    I decided to Fargo the Grand Forks reference. +1, I win.

    Looks like they decided to Fargo the program.

    Well, that was strange. I assumed the reporter kept asking about Bode Miller’s brother?

    I really wished he slipped on some ball sweat.

    That ain’t that impressive, I’ve been slamming muff for 26 years and still coming up with new combos.

    Is bulge in his sock a shin guard, or is he just happy to see me?

    What’s the difference between this and chili-mac? Chili-mac is delicious, so I can’t imagine have spaghetti instead of macaroni makes all that much of a difference.

    Is that the same clown in all three pictures? Or is this one of them optometrist collisions? 

    Listen, this man is in a position of great power at the University of Michigan. Until we get his tax returns to know how much he has invested in the dairy industry, we won’t know how much milk influences his daily life. It raises eyebrows that his recruiters have so much contact with high school athletes from

    I really hope Nick Saban writes a stream-of-consciousness novel where one of the chapters simply reads: “My mother is a coca-cola.”

    I often wonder what types of medications or supplements these athletes are taking in order to prevent aging. I’m sure diet and exercise play a major role, but I want to know how these old timers still can play.

    Also, fuck all y’all.

    Now after my past-8 P.M. crankiness, I see that it’s more unfair to associate a team of 18-22 year-olds to the decision of a misguided and ignorant North Carolinian government. To claim that Duke University basketball has anything to do with a governmental and political matter is simply unfair to those athletes and