“When someone runs sub-2 hours, let’s not remember the man but the brand as the record breaker.” - Darren Rovell
“When someone runs sub-2 hours, let’s not remember the man but the brand as the record breaker.” - Darren Rovell
It’s not “fundamental to air travel”. God didn’t reach out from heaven and scribe down on a sacred stone tablet that “Thou shalt not tranfer seats!”
Nope, they are not transferable so they can charge people the higher rate for booking the tickets at the time of purchase while also not offering any refunds for the person that original relinquished the seat.
...says the human with no capacity for comon sense or compassion...
I appreciate your comments. For what it’s worth, I did not want to offer a verdict on if Terrance is a good or bad person. I view him as complicated, and very clearly “troubled.” I personally feel he has transferred his addiction to church. Even Terrance admits there’s truth to that. And, well, he still drives a BMW.
Article has been updated with a photo of the wagon!
Of course. That’s not the point. Here’s the point. Let’s say you run a business and are interviewing one of his kids for a job. You get curious and Google her name. This story does not come up. That’s the point.
He also had 12 other BMWs stored in the parking lot of the company he worked for.
Wow. “Exactly 50" BMW’s = a lot of non-working turn signals.
HE does not care. HIS KIDS do. Trying to keep their names out of it.
My approach to music is “wall of guitars,” so it stands to reason that my approach to writing is “wall of text.”
If he truly wants reconciliation, he should get rid of his “mistress”, no matter how much he thinks it’s junk.
Every so often Jalopnik gives us diamonds. In the sea of Demon, Telsa, Politics and other bubble gum topics, we get a truly humanizing and intriguing story. This is a diamond, and I hope we see more of them.
Longmont has some interesting stories for sure. And breweries. Those, too.
That’s how owning a company is supposed to work though... You pay everyone’s salaries and keep whatever’s left
Exactly. As a twenty year old, If you’re wrenching on a starter from 1945 on top of your washing machine, you might need to re-evaluate some things.
- The Tragic David Tracy Story.