We are transmitting from the year one, nine, nine, nine.
We are transmitting from the year one, nine, nine, nine.
which is why Pheel was sayin’ “BAH BAH”
I’m tired. More tired than I’ve ever been. Turning a rusty hulk of poorly maintained metal into a running, driving…
You know it wasn’t a Mustang because it turned away from the pedestrians.
I once had a woman ask me if we had sex. I was lying next to her, still trying to catch my breath...I though everything went great.
1st accusation: 1997
2nd accusation: 2007
3rd accusation: 2017
“Good attempt, son, but your technique needs work.”—Darren Sharper
My gut is telling me based on Irvin’s lawyer saying that these allegations are “completely false” that there will be some sort of settlement at the end of this ordeal and we will never know what actually happened here.
I commented elsewhere and this was my exact thought.
Any answer other than some clear variation of “no” sounds like some variation of yes.
She says he responded that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.
Irvin’s lawyer told TMZ that these latest allegations are completely false: “You expect the public to believe that Michael Irvin had drugs and *gave* them to another person rather than use them all himself?”
She says she also texted Michael, asking him if they had sex. She says he responded that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.
Junking them outright is stupid. They’re well built, safe and efficient machines. The answer is obvious.......
The settlement terms for Volkswagen should have allowed for a larger payout for customers who turned in their diesel and verified a purchase of a new hybrid or electric vehicle.
It’s a small incremental difference in NOx per mile between a cheating VW and the standard. VW essentially missed being able to hit an incremental tightening of NOx standards. They did not roll their cars back to 1968. Because NOx is also naturally occurring only in big cities and metro areas where it is created…
rather than scrapping the whole car.. wouldnt it be easier to just scrap the engine and whatever bits wont play nice with its new petrol engine... then put em back on the market for cheap? (engine+bits replacement + markup... should still be a cheap vw)