
Well first they could not find any boats to take them from the main island to the smaller one then they heard that there was a drawbridge from the dock of the small island and this guy was manning it.

I see nothing!

There can be no forgiveness for this!

Yeah but they should have those suicide prevention blankets. Not regular ones.

Nope, and that will be the lingering question, which Rich White Male ass hole did it. Himself, Trump, Clinton, Any number other other rich ass holes he parted and raped with?

You do know that there is a scary large group on the internet that believe that.... and they vote.

Pashaw! First Class bathroom on an A-380. Bigger than a NYC apt! Take a shower at 42,000 feet! Now that’s what God feels like!

Oh how right you are,

Now playing

I think of as the unfortunate spawn of Guy Fieri fucking a school bus.” Dude:

We have a takeout/store place here in Northern VA that almost exclusively hires high school kids for the sandwich makers and pizza. They see it as doing there part for the community to give kids a good first job. And they make a hell of a sandwich.

They break though fences.

You gota be careful in Maryland. If you get a bit of Old Bay on you they will go cannibal in moments.

Take your Star you magnificent bastard!

Not trying to troll (god that sounds bad to type). I believe the mounted officers were in the area when they got a call about trespassing. They went to the scene on horseback. Found the subject, arrested him and did not feel like waiting for another officer in a squad car to pick up the subject. So the officers

Get them out now! A closet is no place for a sword!